“Taking medicine is a normal part of life for many of us, especially as we get older. But some commonly used
medicines can impair your driving ability, and can place you, your passengers and other road users at risk.
Research into senior drivers, has shown that use of benzodiazepines, a class of medicines used for sleep or
anxiety problems, increases the crash risk by 5%.”
A brochure containing this information, plus more advice about how medicines affect driving; which medicines
can impair driving and what to do if you are taking medicines, is a good resource for business. Your learner
drivers need to be aware of what medicines can affect their driving and you should be aware of what
medicines your students are taking.
The key point for all drivers is to “discuss your medicines with your doctor or
pharmacist to understand how they might affect your ability to drive safely.”
The brochure “Always ask if your medicine will affect your driving” is produced by
the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, VicRoads and Transport Accident