June, 2008 - Eastern Driving School


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·       The new drive test is being introduced as part of the new Graduated Licensing System (GLS) to:

oBetter assess the ability of licence applicants to handle the demands of solo driving as P1 driver; and

o     Motivate learners to better prepare for their Ps by getting 120 hours driving experience in a wide variety of driving conditions.

·       The new test:

o     Is longer than the current test;

o     Provides a better picture of a licence applicant’s driving ability;

o     Incorporates a more thorough assessment system;

o     Has Immediate termination errors;

o     Introduces scoring of critical errors;

o     Is made up of two parts which separate less challenging and more challenging driving tasks;

o     Involved extensive trialing with learners with varying levels of experience; and

o     Is unique to Victoria and is evidence-based.

·       Applicants still need to pass the Hazard Perception Test before taking the drive test.




·       The new drive test is an important part of GLS and is needed to help support the 120 hour requirement for learner drivers. 120 hours has been shown to significantly reduce crashes.

·       Key objectives of the new drive test are to:

·                       Help discriminate between learners with and without 120 hours;

·                       Motivate learners to get at least 120 hours in a variety of conditions;

·                       Replace the current test (POLA) which was developed at a time when most learners had low levels of supervised experience;

·                       Complement the current HPT;

·                       Introduce a new test which sets the bar higher and is designed to assess more experienced learners; and

·                       Better assess the ability of licence applicants to handle the demands of solo driving as a P1 driver.




·       Developed over 18 months from the results of trials with 1300 learners with a range of driving experience;

·       Developed by VicRoads with assistance from road safety and test development experts;

·       Not based on opinions but based on evidence; and

·       Process was scientific and used:

o     best research from Australia and overseas

o     causes of crashes for newly licenced drivers

o     extensive trials with learners

o     input by testers and driving instructors

o     occupational health and safety as a key consideration in the design of the test.



·       30 minute on-road test (previously 15-20 minutes).

·       Has two parts:

o     Part 1 – takes 10 minutes and has 7 driving tasks in less challenging driving conditions.  Applicants must pass Part 1 before they are permitted to attempt Part 2.

o     Part 2 – takes 20 minutes and consists of 14 to 21 day-to-day driving tasks in a range of realistic traffic conditions.

o     Applicants must pass both parts of the test to obtain their probationary licence.







·       The outcome of the drive test does not depend on a single test score – it depends on the number of Immediate Termination Errors, Critical Errors and performance on the specific driving tasks.

·       The test scoring involves:

o     Immediate Termination Errors – where the applicant does something to create an unsafe situation.  This results in the applicant immediately failing the drive test and the test being terminated.

o     Critical Errors – where the applicant makes a serious driving error which does not create any immediate danger. Repetition of this behaviour(s) will fail the applicant and terminate the test. 

§         Only 2 critical errors are allowed over the course of the test, if a 3rd occurs the applicant immediately fails and the test is terminated. 

§         During Part 1 of the test (less challenging driving conditions), only 1 critical error is allowed, if a 2nd error occurs during this part of the test the applicant immediately fails and the test is terminated.

o     In addition, to the Immediate Termination Errors and Critical Errors, points are also awarded for correctly and safely demonstrating key driving skills when completing specific driving tasks.



·       The practical drive test checks that licence applicants can:

o     Drive safely;

o     Control a vehicle smoothly;

o     Obey the road rules; and

o     Co-operate with other road users.

·       Learners are more likely to pass the practical drive test if they:

o     Have had more than 120 hours of supervised driving experience;

o     Have had supervised driving experience in a broad range of different conditions – such as at night, in wet weather, and on different types of roads; and

o     Can drive safely and legally in different driving situations – such as normal and busy traffic, at intersections and on multilane roads.



·         Log Books will be checked by a VicRoads Licence Testing Officer (LTO) at the start of the drive test appointment before the applicant is taken out in the vehicle.

·         All licence applicants who obtained their learner permit on or after 1 July 2007 and are under 21 at the time they sit for their probationary licence test must present a completed Log Book  i.e. 120 hours (including 10 hours at night).

·         Learners who are aged 21 or older or obtained their permit before 1 July 2007 – do not have to present a Log Book.

·         Log Book entries must be completed in pen.  Blue and black is preferable (as requested in the Log Book), however any pen colour will be accepted if the entry is legible (i.e. the VicRoads LTO can understand the log entry).



·       Pass Log Book Check / Pass Drive Test

o     If an applicant meets all the requirements of the Log Book check and passes the Drive Test (and other requirements associated with the appointment), they will be issued with a P1 probationary licence.

·       Pass Log Book Check / Fail Drive Test

o     If an applicant meets all the requirements of the Log Book check and fails the Drive Test, the log book results will be recorded.

o     The applicant is not required to re-present their Log Book, when re-sitting for their Drive Test.

·       Fail Log Book Check

o     If an applicant fails to meet all the requirements of the Log Book check then they are unable to undertake Drive Test.

o     The applicant forfeits their Drive Test appointment, all test fees and must wait at least 6 weeks before they can attempt another test.

o     The applicant must re-present their completed Log Book, when presenting for their next test.

Source: VIC ROADS, Driving Instructor Industry Update, 06-2008

Key Dates To Protect Young Drivers

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1 January ALCOHOL INTERLOCKS INTRODUCED FOR YOUNG FIRST TIME OFFENDERS From 1 January 2007, a probationary driver or any driver under 26, caught for a drink driving offence involving a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .07 or higher, will have an alcohol interlock fitted to their car when they return to driving. If the interlock detects any alcohol on a driver’s breath, the car won’t start.

1 July  NEW LEARNER PERMIT RULES INTRODUCED From 1 July 2007, a learner driver (under 21) must stay on their learner permit for at least 12 months before they can apply for their probationary licence. They also have to carry their permit whenever they drive.

1 July  120 HOURS OF SUPERVISED DRIVING From 1 July 2007, a learner driver (under 21) must have logged at least 120 hours of supervised driving, including a minimum of 10 hours night driving, before they can apply for a P1 probationary licence.

1 July
NEW RESTRICTIONS ON DRIVING HIGH POWERED VEHICLESFrom 1 July 2007, new restrictions make it easier for probationary drivers to identify the car they can legally drive.

1 July  A NEW TWO STAGE PROBATIONARY LICENCE WILL BEGINThe current single probationary licence will be replaced by a one year P1 probationary licence (red plate), followed by a three year P2 probationary licence (green plate).

1 July  PASSENGER RESTRICTION FOR P1 DRIVERFrom 1 July 2008, a P1 driver can only carry one passenger aged between 16 and 21.

For under 21s – Extra probationary licence stage means 2 P plates

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If you get your Ps from 1 July 2008, and you are under 21, you will now have an extra probationary licence stage. In other words, it’s an extra P plate.

As part of Victoria’s new graduated licensing system, there will be two probationary licence stages: a one year P1 (red plates) stage, followed by a three year P2 (green plates) stage.

You will need a good driving record to progress from P1 to P2, then to a full licence.
Any licence suspension, or other serious offence, will add six months to the probationary period, plus the period of suspension.


P1 Licences (Red Plate)

From 1 July 2008, the new P1 licences will be issued and everyone applying for a probationary licence will need to pass a hazard perception test and an on road driving test. (Drivers with a probationary licence issued before 1 July 2008 will be covered by the current system.)

Probationary drivers aged under 21 years, when first licenced, must hold a P1 licence for a minimum of 12 months. During this time all mobile phone use is banned and there is a restriction on towing unless for work or they are under instruction.

Probationary drivers who are aged 21 years or older when first licenced will move directly to a P2 licence.

What’s different about a P1?

P1 requirements include…

Must stay on a P1 licence for at least 12 months
No mobile phone use of any kind.
P1 driver can only carry one passenger aged between 16 and 21.
No towing (unless for work or if under instruction).
Restrictions on driving high powered vehicles
Drink driving offenders may have an alcohol interlock fitted to their vehicle
Any licence suspension, drink driving offence with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) up to 0.05, or drug driving offence will result in an extension of the P1 licence period for six months, plus the period of suspension.
If the P1 licence is suspended, a passenger limit of one will apply for the remainder of the P1 period.
Other existing P provisions will also apply.

What’s different about a P2?

P2 requirements include…

A three year minimum
Restrictions on driving high powered vehicles
Drink driving offenders may have an alcohol interlock fitted to their vehicle.
Any licence suspension will result in an extension of the P2 period by six months, plus the period of suspension.
Other existing P provisions will also apply

(Source: Arrive Alive Mail Out 17 June 2008 and website)

Speeding – Driving School in Melbourne Alerts

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Speeding. What a sensation!!

It may seem like fun but it is downright dangerous. The faster you travel the more likely

it is that you will be involved in a car crash, and the faster you go, the harder you hit.

The effects of speeding and being involved in a car crash can change your life forever.

Think about this:

Choose your speed and you

choose your consequences.

In a 60 km/h zone, travelling at:

• 65 km/h, you are twice as likely to

have a serious crash

• 70 km/h, you are four times as likely

to have a serious crash

• 75 km/h, you are 10 times as likely

to have a serious crash

• 80 km/h, you are 32 times as likely

to have a serious crash

than if you drive at 60 km/h.

In rural out of town areas, travelling just

10 km/h faster than the average speed

of other traffic, you are twice as likely to

have a serious crash.

Travelling a bit slower than other traffic

on the highway actually reduces the

chances that you will have a serious


Dry conditions:

The road is dry, you have a modern vehicle with good

brakes and tyres. A child runs onto the road 45 m ahead

of you while you are travelling in a 60 km/h zone.

You brake hard.

Will you stop in time?

• If you were driving just 5 km/h over the speed limit, you won’t
have time to stop and you will hit the child at over 30 km/h.
Wet conditions:

The road is wet, you have a modern vehicle with good

brakes and tyres. A child runs onto the road 45 m ahead

of you while you are travelling in a 60 km/h zone.

You brake hard. Will you stop in time?

• If you were driving just 5 km/h over the speed limit, you won’t

have time to stop and you will hit the child at over 30 km/h.

• In wet conditions, it is much safer to drive below the speed limit. If

a child steps onto the road 45 m ahead, you will have to be

driving under the speed limit to stop in time.

(Source: Australian Government Publications; ATSB, Speeding Brochure)

Your Learner Log Book

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Get it right or you won’t be allowed to take a licence test
All Learner permit holders less than 21 years of age who obtained their learner permit on or after I July 2007 must have…

• passed the hazard perception test,
• be at least 18 years old,
• have held their Learner Permit for at least one year
• And have recorded at least 120 hours of driving experience (including at least 10 hours at night)

Before applying for a practical drive test.
The checklist on page 12 of the Learner Log Book section of the Learner Kit provides more detail regarding these requirements.
Your hours of driving experience must be recorded in the Log Book that Vic Roads gave you when you obtained your Learner Permit.
This Log Book is a legal document. It is your legal responsibility to make sure all details are completed accurately.
Every detail for every trip must be entered accurately. That means…
• Only use a pen.
• Complete all details for every trip.
• Fill in odometer readings — not trip meter readings.
• If you make a mistake, put a line through the entire entry and rewrite it on the next line.
• Do not use whiteout.
• Make sure the correct total is carried forward from the bottom of one page to the top of the next.
• Ensure the Log Book s not damaged illegible or missing pages.
It is a good idea to photocopy each page you finish. If you lose your Log Book you can use these copies to re-enter details in a replacement Log Book and have them all resigned by the Supervising Drivers (photo copies are not acceptable). You can buy a new Log Book for $16 by contacting Vic Roads on 13 11 71 or online via www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/bookshop
The instructions are described on pages 1 to 5 of the Learner Log Book.
The Declaration of Completion on page 6 must only be completed by you and your main supervising driver after you have finished using your log book.
Each of your Supervising Drivers must complete one of the forms on pages 9 to 11. Extra pages can be downloaded at www.vicroads.vic.qov,au
If on the day of your licence test Vic Roads does not accept your Log Book you will…
• Not be allowed to take the licence test.
• have to wait at least 6 weeks before you can take another test.
• lose all your fees.
Finally, it is suggested you do not stop recording trips once you reach 120 hours. Go for morel you will then have some hours ‘in reserve’ if any entries are deemed to be invalid and have to be deducted. Remember, you must not fall below 120 hours by the time you take your licence test.
Prepared by the Australian Driver Trainers Association (Victoria)

Your Drive Test in VIC

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(Effective 1 July 2008, Source VIC Roads)

New probationary drivers have a high risk of being
involved in a crash.
To increase the safety of young drivers, there are new
rules for learner and probationary drivers:
• Most learner drivers must have at least 120 hours of
supervised driving experience before attempting to
pass the tests needed for a probationary licence.
• After passing the tests, there will be a two-stage
probationary period: P1 (red plate) for one year and
P2 (green plate) for three years.
All learner drivers have to pass two tests to get their
licence – the Hazard Perception Test and an on-road
practical Drive Test.
The Drive Test helps identify drivers who are ready to
drive safely on their own.
You’re more likely to pass the Drive Test if you:
• Have had at least 120 hours of supervised driving
• Have had supervised driving experience in a broad
range of different driving conditions – such as at night,
in wet weather, and on roads with different speed
• Can drive safely and legally in different driving
situations – such as in normal and busy traffic, at
intersections, and on multilane roads.
Use the VicRoads Learner Kit to help you get the driving
practice that you need.
Follow the four stages in the Learner Kit to safely guide
your driving practice and make sure you correctly fill in
the Learner Log Book as you go.
You will receive a free copy of the Learner Kit when you
pass your learner permit test (on or after 1 July 2007).
This brochure has general information about what you
need to know and do to pass your Drive Test in Victoria.
Read it carefully to help you prepare for your test.
For more detailed information about the test, and learner
and probationary requirements and to view the Learner
Kit, you should visit the VicRoads website at

Drink Drivers Risk Of Crashing

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Did you know that your risk of having a crash is twice as high when you are at a BAC of .05, and four times as high when you are at .08?

The Police don’t allow any leeway when they catch a drink driver. Being only a little bit over is not an excuse, and the penalties are tough.

Keeping yourself below .05 can be tricky, but you have a better chance of succeeding if you understand more about the way alcohol works.

The TAC launched a new campaign today that aims to remind Victorians that there are a number of factors that can affect your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level. Using standard drinks are a good guide but they should be used conservatively, and if you are unsure about your BAC then don’t risk it.

Tips to help you get home safely:

plan ahead if you intend to drink. Nominate a designated driver beforehand so you know how you’re getting home or leave the car behind, walk, catch a cab or public transport
choose low alcohol drinks and alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic options
use standard drink sized glasses
eat before you drink, but avoid salty foods
don’t top up drinks and avoid joining in on rounds, and
pace yourself. Limit your drinking to one standard drink per hour if you are a female and two standard drinks in the first hour, and one standard drink each hour after that if you are a male.
Remember, the only way to reduce your BAC level is to allow time to process the alcohol. It takes about one hour to break down the alcohol contained in one standard drink. Excessive drinking the night before can have an impact on your blood alcohol content the following morning.

(Source: TAC Victoria)